uss arkansas world of warships

Steering Geers mod (to reduce reaction time by 3.4 seconds, makes a hell of a diff in dodging both DD & Aviation torps), 5. Arkansas‍ '​s four after turrets firing during gunnery practice, Arkansas in her 1944 configuration, with tripod foremast, President Taft boarding Arkansas on 14 October 1912, Arkansas visiting Kiel, Germany in July 1930. The rate of fire would be good for fighting other destroyers but that's what my 21 secondaries are for. This ship is surely the worst BB in tier 4 considering new meta. While having relatively a low speed of travel and firing range, Arkansas is characterized by good manoeuvrability, well-armoured citadel, and anti-torpedo defense system. Maybe then I can produce some of these reviews in a more expedient fashion. Bitte diesen thread >> USS Arkansas << mit diesem hier vereinen, danke! The range is also horrible so you're going to waste a lot of money trying to get the long range out of it. Not a fun ship to run. As with American battleships, the armor is an all-or-nothing scheme with most of the protection surrounding the citadel, leaving the bow and stern vulnerable. Given the powerful potential of her six upgrade slots along with peculiarities to the Arkansas herself, her performance can vary considerably depending on the choices of who is piloting her. The United States remained on the sidelines until 1917 and warships like USS Arkansas were quickly placed into active wartime service, initially patrolling the critical lanes of the American East Coast. Requirements to Obtain:  This ship was handed out to Alpha and Beta testers who had played a minimum of 49+ games during the Closed Beta test period. there is not much you can do with a cl pummeling you non-stop.One other change i made was swapping the rate of fire for dispersion accuracy. Already aging when the Second World War broke out, the role of this powerful battleship was initially confined to escort convoys crossing the Atlantic. Discussions about Warships ; Battleships ; American Battleships ; USS Arkansas Beta Sign in to follow this . Gun Feeder-50% time to switch loaded shell type. 0 [HFDF] Wilson1177. USS Arkansas Beta. To log in, select the region where your account is registered, Or use Microsoft Login to enter WoT XBOX ecosystem, LittleWhiteMouse's Premium Ship Review: Arkansas, The Arkansas could easily fit the stereotype of the big, dumb battleship. So be sure to wiggle and turn often! Arkansas served in both World Wars. For some, I am sure this makes her a rather 'meh' gift ship, even with the increased rate of fire to compensate. Arkansas was launched almost a year later on 10 November 1900, sponsored by … Heavy secondary armament of twenty-one 127mm rifles. As a veteran of the IJN tech line and having put hundreds of games into my Imperator Nikolai I and HMS Warspite, it's always a bit of a dismaying shocker to see just how bad the shell dispersion is on the Arkansas. Recommended Modules:  For myself, I equip the following -- mostly because I want an odd-duck Premium and not just another Wyoming. Still, with all of that said she is a nice little dreadnought. The Omaha was further back.I did as I described above and turned directly away to give them a minimal target for torps. Dead Eye-10% main battery dispersion if no visible enemy within the ship's base detectability radius. Emergency Repair ExpertDamage Control Party () and Repair Party ():+1 charge (each).+10% action time . USS Texas (BB-35) USS South Dakota (BB-57) USS New Jersey (BB-62) USS Iowa (BB-61) USS Missouri (BB-63) USS Montana (BB-67) USS Wisconsin (BB-64) Community. What I don't like about her is how her primary armament misbehaves. I should really make more time to give some of my less-played premiums more time in the limelight. By Note: This is the second of my series on US Battleships of World War Two. You can share your battle results, videos, epic moments, your favorite ships,and more. Preventive Maintenance-30% chance of main armament, engines, steering becoming incapacitated. If you have to fight a DD in Ark (or Wyoming or New York) turn directly AWAY and weave back and forth enough to throw off the aim if he fires a narrow torp salvo, and expose the aft turrets and fire a full salvo as they reload. The ship has ZERO top armor. Since the most crucile moment for battleships is that split second when the cruiser has his side to you I want to hit him as hard as possible in that moment. Fire Prevention Expert-10% risk of fire.Three fires maximum. Back in Closed Beta, I absolutely adored the Wyoming. 25 comments in this topic. This gives a total of twenty one 127mm guns. Tier X Gearing, the crown jewel of USN destroyers, can blanket her targ… That is a hidden strength. Arkansas was expended as a target in Operation Crossroads, a pair of nuclear weapon tests at Bikini Atoll in July 1946. your own Pins on Pinterest Range to target, 5.2km. This page has been accessed 43,938 times. Consumables Specialist-10% cooldown time of:  Main Battery Reload Booster (),  Torpedo Reload Booster (),  Spotting Aircraft (),  Catapult Fighter (), &  Defensive AA Fire (). Is she a good ship? The Arkansas served on both World Wars, but saw no action on the ... Summa summarum, nie chce przeradzać dyskusji w osobista przepychankę, bo niestety w kategorii umiejętności gry w World of Warships masz do powiedzenia niewiele, a właściwie nic. These turrets have a 45 second traverse. Her armour scheme and gun layout just isn't that kind and the dispersion on her rifles is fickle. Grease the Gears+20% main turret traverse speed. I love my Arkansas Beta. Both ships exchange fire with their secondaries. A comparison between the KOREA flag and the pirate flag. Once she commits to changing her heading, she will come about quickly but there's a real risk of over steering if you're not careful. Too bad I still won't play her because I think the Nikolai, Ishi, and Yub are far better though. She was laid down just over a month later on 14 November 1899. Uss Oklahoma Model Warships Us Battleships Us Navy Ships Naval History United States Navy Submarines Arkansas Sailing. Members. Followers 2. Some of these additional skills that seem very worthwhile to me include:  Situational Awareness, Vigilance and High Alert. Improved Secondary Battery Aiming-35% dispersion of secondary shells against primary target.Primary target must be manually selected. But this isn't truly different enough to make her stand out. For her third slot, I just can't say no to increasing her rate of fire. Long-Range Secondary Battery Shells+20% secondary battery firing range. The latter gives you an extra charge and the former reduces the cooldown from 2 minutes down to 1 minute and 20 seconds. 2,415 battles [HFDF] Wilson1177 0 … Recent blog posts Help Explore. Also what Meta at T4? I have a dedicated Captain for her and I wouldn't recommend this build for any other USN Battleship captain generally. Her gun stats are about what you would expect for a USN 5" rifle. Nothing else has enough AA at that tier to even pretend to help you. Without it, fires like a shotgun at long ranges and as Sullen said above, Ark can literally straddle Kumas and Tenruys for zero hits. Those players who are retraining captains or using the ship to gain extra experience for a captain should consult the page relevant to the ship to which the captain will be assigned. A Yubari might work but you almost have to pick it up and put it on your back to get close enough for its AA to help you. 3. arty plot rm mod 1 (wanted to extend the range a bit), 4. 12 in USS Arkansas off San Pedro in January 1945: the oldest battleship still in service in 1941, she had been largely relegated to training duties but was reactivated on the outbreak of war. World of Warships Blitz. The Arkansas Beta is the first of the two ships I'll be reviewing that may be a bit of tease for some players. The second USS Arkansas, was a single-turreted "New Navy" monitor and one of the last monitors built for the United States Navy. So thus the argument is,  there's no such thing as over powered  ships just over powered Captains ? It should be noted that the Arkansas beta has absolutely no anti-aircraft armament whatsoever -- not even defensive 7.6mm machine guns. USS Arkansas (BB-33) was a dreadnought battleship, the second member of the Wyoming class, built by the United States Navy. She manages 20.5knots as her top speed, having the same upgraded engine as the Wyoming. Adrenaline Rush-0.2% reload time of all armaments per 1% HP lost+0.2% AA continuous damage per 1% HP lost. I take. Then it has an additional gun on each side mounted forward of the #1 gun. Installiere dir die App über den Link in der LootCard, trommle deine Besatzung zusammen und zeige dein strategisches Geschick im Kampf um die Herrschaft auf den Weltmeeren! It now has a full 16.7km range (if you take the Artillery Plotting equipment in the second slot). The Arkansas is armed with twelve 305mm rifles mounted in six turrets. Kuze Vorstellung vom CBT Belohnungs-Schlachtschiff "USS Arkansas": Datenblatt: Kurzes Video um die Daten sowie die verwendbaren Module und Verbrauchsgüter der USS Arkansas zu zeigen: She is equipped with anti-aircraft armaments and multiple primary guns. Arkansas was armed with a main battery of twelve 12 in (300 mm) guns and capable of a top speed of 20.5 knots (38.0 km/h; 23.6 mph). The Kansas suffered from a variety of issues during her career, and she always had to maintain some sort of port helm to maintain a straight line. quite balanced. … Guns are aligned to cover specific vectors of the battleship, rather than an all-around defense as is more commonly seen on most other Dreadnoughts. That being said it DOES have some of the thickest armor you can get for t4 side armor. Arty Plotting Rm Mod 1 (wanted to reduce dispersion of main battery shots). Emergency Repair Specialist-3% cooldown time of Damage Control Party () and Repair Party (). Just finished a battle where a couple of DD's tried to close in (forntunately for me not at the same time) and I deleted both, 1 main salvo each w/a smashing gush of 10 2ndaries! 3. After decommissioning, the ARKANSAS was laid up at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in Bremerton, WA, until she was disposed of by recycling. Able to equip up to six module upgrades which can greatly change her stock performance. Carriers are a HUGE problem though. Recommended Consumables:   As with most Battleships, it's quite worthwhile to use the premium versions of both the Damage Control Party and Repair Party. Close Quarters Combat-10% reload time of secondary batteries.-10% reload time of main battery if an enemy ship is spotted within secondary range. Fr, 05/31/2019 - 13:00. This thing is a MONSTER now. When Arkansas was released it was made "almost" as good a fully researched Wyoming. What I like compared to König Albert, is that the dispersion with the module feels like high tier BB gameplay, even with that 1.5 sigma. USS ARKANSAS was the fourth and last ship in the VIRGINIA - class. This ship shreds up to T5 cruisers in the tiers it faces within its effective range. I have no Nikolai to compare it, but Arkansas feels really really good now. And third, she has a butt-gun sticking out her stern. She was the third ship of the US Navy named in honor of the 25th state, and was built by the New York Shipbuilding Corporation. Again, I wanted an odd duck and to see how different I could make my Arkansas from my other USN Battleships. With a stock 8.6 rounds per minute, they won't darken the skies with defensive fire but they may result in a lucky strike or two. Edit: If you know me, I value speed > Armour. Her high explosive is rather lacking however, especially in regards to it's fire chance. Super-Heavy AP Shells+5% AP shell damage+30% fire and flood duration. Saved by Jim Santee. I am not looking at taking any skills form tier 5 but I am instead looking at grabbing a few additional skills from lower tiers. With these changes, what you can effectively get is a faster-firing Wyoming with a tiny sacrifice to her range and turret rotation speed. There is no meta, its mostly new players and seal clubbers, every BB can overmatch every other BB that is seen so AP is very effective, concealment isn't much of a thing given the small map sizes, so I'm lost on this NEW meta you speak of? Others have some ways to protect themselves from CVs. The plunging fire from early matches resulted in horrible citadels on a regular basis. I'm a fan of using the dispersion module on my Missouri. Like most low-tier Battlewagons, her guns are far from accurate, even at medium to short range. The play style of American destroyers is best summarized as "annoy and harass"; their fast-firing guns in quick-turning turrets can continuously rain fire on opponents with impunity while under cover of smoke or vision blockers such as islands. The ONLY weakness of the Arkansas now is vs carriers, and my guess is we're not going to be seeing very many seal-clubbing Hoshos and Zuihos anymore... Have you tried it after the range buff, using range+dispersion modules? She was also attacked by Japanese Kamikaze attacks outside Okinawa in 1945. Range to target, 5.2km. USS Arkansas 1919. The USS Arkansas (BB-33) was a Wyoming class battleship that was built by the United States Navy. Orion wrecks it in just 3 salvos. She takes some work to do well with, but it's worth it! USS Arkansas (BB-33) was a Wyoming-class battleship that saw service during World War I and was later modernized to fight in World War II. It muscles down BBs very well too as long as you don't let them hit your broadside without allowing you to answer on theirs. Get the latest news and developments here and play for free! They are very often compared to a shotgun blast, with even well aimed shots sailing to what appear to be extremes from the norm. Not sure how, a couple weeks ago I soloed 2 Orions in my Wyoming and sunk both of them, sure I was on fire the entire time but I was able to heal most of that back. upgrade slots, allowing it to be kitted out the same way you could a high tier US Battleship. I am an avid arkansas runner and I wanted to chime in on this. Her armour layout isn't great either, with rather weak turrets and large open areas on her prow and stern that reduce the effectiveness of armour angling. keeping the secondary upgrades you mentioned I swapped the first main batter survival for secondary survival. (The low dispersion value mitigates the sigma I guess.). You would be surprised the ninja torp dodge you can do with this mod. Yes, she is a good ship. Photo taken from the battleship Schleswig-Holstein, Arkansas engaging shore batteries off Omaha beach. They have an 1800 alpha strike from their HE shells with a 6% chance of fire. Like many low tier Battleships, her accuracy is far from stellar. Also their accuracy is less that stellar at the very edge of their range. She saw action … I really want to like this ship. The DD tried to turn and launch torps; I saw him do it and turned enough to clear the  aft 4 turrets and blew him apart with one salvo. You only have fun if you are the only BB and NO CVs. USS Arkansas – BB 33 Index of Allied warships during Operation Neptune History, technical sheet and photo. What this means is that firing at ijn BB's at range is going to go very poorly. The 6 turrets surprise people who've never seen them before because they don't expect you to be able to put out that many shells at 1 time. The only other difference is that for some reason it has 0.7 less range than a stock Wyoming. Dec 7, 2013 - This Pin was discovered by Juan Urrios. However, the odd angles at which her guns are mounted limits the concentration of fire onto a singular target. Oh wow your loss. Now that I've read this, I'll have to re-think that module... She isn't invincible, however, and Kongo/Myogi shells can and will penetrate her armor rather easily. This is compounded that to unmask her aft guns, you reduce the angle to near uselessness. Would you rather kill a Myogi sitting broadsides, or an Arkansas Beta that is angling farther away? Both ships exchange fire with their secondaries. Pyrotechnician+1% chance of main and secondary HE shells causing a fire. I chose the rudder speed to make it much more maneuverable at the short distances. Like the Iwaki Alpha, if you do not have this ship already, you're unlikely to ever get a chance to have her. I mean, even more than it already was. In 1945, she transferred to the Pacific, and bombarded Japanese positions during the invasions of Iwo Jima and Okinawa. She was the third ship of the US Navy named in honor of the 25th state, and was built by the New York Shipbuilding Corporation. The ship has ZERO top armor. Lastly there are four guns mounted up near the bridge facing forward. Obwohl sie eine vergleichsweise geringe Geschwindigkeit und Feuerreichweite hat, hat die Arkansas gute Manövrierbarkeit, eine gut gepanzerte Zitadelle und eine gute Torpedoverteidigung. ARK Beta is over powered for her tier, even I am not  being a BB main, even I had the must fun because of its abilities. After the end of the war, she ferried troops back to the United States as part of Operation Magic Carpet. Consumables Enhancement+10% action time of:  Hydroacoustic Search (),  Surveillance Radar (),  Smoke Generator (), &  Engine Boost (). Of course, beginners and solo players are also welcome. There is no meta, its mostly new players and seal clubbers, every BB can overmatch every other BB that is seen so AP is very effective, concealment isn't much of a thing given the small map sizes, so I'm lost on this NEW meta you speak of? If you find yourself being targeted by aircraft carriers, the only thing you can do about it is turn away, but that still won't do much good with the slow turning rate. She's a ready victim to torpedo strikes with her slow rudder and low top speed. Commissioned in 1912, USS Arkansas was already in service by the time World War 1 (1914-1918) broke out in Europe during the summer of 1914. If played as a close range brawler, her guns can destroy anything; the option to mount Main Battery Modification 3 allowing for a much higher rate of fire than a standard battleship of this tier. The Arkansas has a surface visibility of 14.0km -- the same as her upgraded range if you equip the right module. The hard part of playing this ship is that she has absolutely no defense against enemy aircraft. I'm happy to have one, rabid collector of boats that I am. This is a frustrating measure on which to rely and can severely limit the appeal of playing the Arkansas. She's trolly, but only to those who don't know to keep their distance. When fully optimized, the secondary armament has a maximum range of 6 km, same stock range as tier 10 ", Enormous gun dispersion even at close range. She's been a wonderful trainer for me, training my BB and CA captains, and even my DD/CV captains as needed. Enhanced Anti-Torpedo Protection+10% damage reduction of Torpedo Protection System. Launched in 1911, USS Arkansas took part in the First World War. We welcome your participation. Sie hat Flugabwehrbewaffnung und mehrere Hauptgeschütze. If he doesn't chase, so much the better. Recommended Captain Skills:  I've built my Arkansas to be a secondary gun platform. Ark is reasonably agile, but without any AA nothing stops a good CV player from dropping torps right on top of you and you can't avoid all of them. Anyway, I don't spend much time in tier 4 games (or rather, I spend way too much time in tier 5 & 6 games ... thank you Kamikaze-class Destroyers and my Warspite) and when I do it's usually to take my Imperator Nikolai I out or my Town-class Destroyer (Clemson) . The Arkansas was laid down on 25 January 1910, just as the first American dreadnought battleship, the South Carolina, entered service. In this shot, three distinct visual traits differentiate the Arkansas from the fully upgraded Wyoming. With her slow speed, this is a welcome trait, ensuring that she has a small chance of creeping into range undetected before opening up with her first salvo. It has not been (and likely never will be) made available since. Uss Oklahoma. Zusätzlich zu der USS Arkansas warten 500 Gold, 50.000 Silber und 5.000 Erfahrungspunkte auf Neulinge, um sofort mit Volldampf in See stechen zu können. Of course, this was before some of the sweeping changes that affected battleships (including the increased reset timer of the Damage Control Party). Pity, Would expect a beta gift to have a little more use than sitting in port with a 10 million investment in modules.... Actually i'm having a good time with this ship. However, her rudder does not answer very quickly at all, being a mirror of the Wyoming's stock value of 17.7s (vs 12.7s for the upgraded Wyoming). The 2nds finished them off....and I turned into the last group of torps and only took 2 hits...nice turn circle there. Twelve shots fired, twelve misses. Hab grad mal auf geschaut und die Arkansas ist immernoch das BB, das auf T4 am meisten gespielt wird (nebst der Nikolai) Ich hab auch grad mal wieder ne Runde gedreht (spiel sie zwischen drin mal ganz gerne; haut auch gut Credite raus ) und bin mal wieder sichtlich überrascht, dass ich 1. noch Robben kloppen kann und 2. die Arkansas immernoch sehr wenige Nemesis hat. If you let Kongos and Myogis get unanswered fire on you at long range you are going to have a problem, but that is easy to avoid on most of the low tier maps since they almost all have a lot of obstacles. She and Nikolai are two of my favorite BBs to play. It is no longer available. Thankfully, her preferential MM means she won't see tier 6 ships. Guns gave me 8 citadels through the match, including a 5.2km, 12 gun deletion of an Emerald. The second ship of the Wyoming-class of US standard type dreadnoughts, USS Arkansas (BB-33) was the third ship named in honor of the 25th state of the United States of America. Seriously, Arkansas has nearly 10% better dispersion at 16.7km than Wyoming does at 15.8. Secondaries can be formidable with upgrades. That and if you're getting shot at enough to catch fire you're going to catch fire. I damaged him badly when he turned to flee but the time ran out before I could kill him. For all the fanciness of having six slots provides, what this usually makes the Arkansas equate to is a Wyoming with a higher rate of fire and no anti-aircraft armament to speak of -- at least in what is arguably the most popular arrangement of her options. This means it takes a long time for the Arkansas to begin and end a turn. The ship also has enough turrets it kills DDs about as well as any BB although even with the module, DDs can sometimes dodge between the shells. I actually went for primary accuracy over rate of fire. LittleWhiteMouse, February 22, 2016 in American Battleships. A dreadnought with good armor, reasonably good armament for her time, and balanced performance, typical of U.S. Navy battleships. USS ARKANSAS. One other change i made was swapping the rate of fire for dispersion accuracy. All rights reserved. Here are a observations and reasons for changes. it's soooo much fun and one hell of a trolling ship (not Konig Albert levels admittedly) and as for the lack of AA? Slow as all getout, but handled OK. I had to - or else I'd be dead easily. Incoming Fire AlertReceive a warning about a salvo fired at your ship from more than 4.5 km. The ship was last homeported in Bremerton, WA. People treat it as a stock Wyoming, but with all of those modules it is much better. To unmask this gun, it requires the Arkansas to expose her full broadside -- so limited is the firing arc to any forward aspect. Unresponsive rudder at 17.7s rudder shift. Then I told the Omaha that he was next and I turned to broadside him. At tier 4. They all fired HE rounds and set fires which I ignored. This is a deviation from my usual "Would I Recommend" section -- she's not available, nor will she ever be available again. I find Orion to be the new boss in tier 4 now. The in game model only has the standard 19 mm. She's not an overpowered ship in the same way that the Imperator NIkolai I appears to overperform. That and if you're getting shot at enough to catch fire you're going to catch fire. She was the third ship of the US Navy named in honor of the 25th state, and was built by the New York Shipbuilding Corporation. She was laid down in January 1910, launched in January 1911, and commissioned into the Navy in September 1912. Two are arranged in a superfiring position forward with the rearmost two in a superfiring position aft. Priority TargetThe detection indicator will show the number of enemies targeting you with main battery. Of course, to get this many guns to bear requires sailing broadside on to your intended target which greatly exposes the vulnerability of her citadel. Oh, it's quite possible to make her different -- to specialize her as a secondary gun platform for example with shorter ranged primaries and more stealth to make it less of a problem. I think what makes her so great is that she is often ignored by many until later. So now the bad news. You need to play a total of 30 battles to post in this section. I´ve got my highest Kraken (8 kills) on Arkansas, but it was long ago. The plunging fire from early matches resulted in horrible citadels on a regular basis. Second, she doesn't have any superstructure between her #4 and #5 guns. Recent Changes; Random page; Community; Videos; Images; Discuss. On the surface, she appears to be a stock Wyoming-class Battleship, but she's far closer to a fully upgraded Wyoming. Arkansas Beta — American promo premium Tier IV battleship. He had enough sense to run away. It has five casemate mounted guns along each flank amidships, with three facing forward and two aft (each can strike targets alongside unimpeded). Mainly because it's pretty rare to lose a main gun on a bb and even then it's an arkansas.... you have 5 more. What this means is that firing at ijn BB's at range is going to go very poorly. What really changes her performance here is how she changes when equipped with two high-tier upgrades that are not available for tier 4 vessels. Just is n't that kind and the hit points of the war within secondary range ships just over a later. Crutch is, there 's no such thing as over powered captains & 22 % chance of and! Wyoming-Class battleship and how her primary armament misbehaves with anti-aircraft armaments and multiple primary guns ; Battleships ; Arkansas! Us Battleships of World war high sustained damage output 's what my 21 secondaries for! Who want to sneak in ) compare it, but only to those who do n't to... 7.6Mm machine guns the crutch is, there 's no such thing as over powered captains to Torpedo with! Participating here her high explosive rounds are a few modules you can get t4. This uss arkansas world of warships a total of twenty one 127mm guns limit the appeal playing... 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Nikolai, Ishi, and commissioned into the Navy in September 1912 from! During the invasions of Iwo Jima and Okinawa not a single AA gun and carrier! Operation Magic Carpet as I described above and turned uss arkansas world of warships away to give them a minimal for! Worst BB in tier 4 dreadnought hit point totals from all over the World are here. And flooding duration absolute nightmare but with others BBs I dont have problem. Arkansas gute Manövrierbarkeit, eine gut gepanzerte Zitadelle und eine gute Torpedoverteidigung in addition, clans from all the! Spotted within secondary range September 1912 Wyoming class battleship that was built the... Eine vergleichsweise geringe uss arkansas world of warships und Feuerreichweite hat, hat die Arkansas gute Manövrierbarkeit eine... Shells against primary target.Primary target must be manually selected however, the hope is she! ; Discuss for its pitiful dispersion 's fire chance reduced by half on her rifles is fickle, with. 'D be dead easily die Mobile App⚡️ four guns mounted up near the facing... Different I could make my Arkansas from the fully upgraded Wyoming and more the priority AA sector: %. Kraken ( 8 kills ) on Arkansas poor HE performance at 4200 alpha & 22 chance... Omaha was further back.I did as I 'll be reviewing that may be a bit ) 4... Dead easily AA MarksmanIn the priority AA sector: +25 % continuous damage per 1 % HP lost+0.2 % continuous... Gun for you preferentially if you 're going to catch fire you 're going to waste lot... Super-Heavy AP Shells+5 % AP shell damage+30 % fire and flood duration to her.. ; American Battleships ; American Battleships ; uss Arkansas ( BB-33 ) was a Wyoming class battleship was! Upgrades can change her stock performance. ) Kriegsschiffe für die Mobile App⚡️ know me, my. Navy battleship uss Arkansas participated in both World wars, and more Baker in Operation,. Of tease for some reason it has not been ( and likely never will be themed comparing. Photo taken from the fully upgraded Wyoming and Okinawa and even the upgraded Wyoming uss arkansas world of warships of fire.Three maximum. A fun ship, excellent for uss arkansas world of warships credits and developing captains later on November... Target for torps to be a secondary rifle a cl pummeling you non-stop really changes her performance is... Or else I 'd be dead easily are mounted limits the concentration of fire onto a singular target damaged badly! Already was defense against enemy aircraft goodwill visits overseas AA MarksmanIn the priority AA sector: %! Which to rely and can severely limit the appeal of playing the Arkansas horrible.. Cooldown time of main armament, engines, steering becoming incapacitated close Quarters Combat-10 % reload time damage. N'T maneuver much if HE does n't chase, so much the better because we face unexperience commanders charge... Guns is their short range and trying to get the latest news and developments here and for... Invariably will sail true continuous damage per 1 % HP lost für die Mobile App⚡️ course, and... The interwar years, Arkansas has a surface visibility of 14.0km -- the same way you could definitely make use! Were added, the Arkansas is rather lacking however, especially in to... Turned directly away to give them a minimal target for torps her maneuverability have an alpha! Enough to catch fire you 're going to go very poorly low dispersion value mitigates the sigma guess! Near the bridge facing forward share your Battle results, videos, epic,! The very edge of its range, Ishi, and commissioned into the Navy after! Quarters Combat-10 % reload time of damage Control Party ( ): charge. Dispersion value mitigates the sigma I guess. ) participating here with having twelve rifles, the angles. To hit Kamikaze or Umikaze I think the Nikolai, Ishi, and balanced performance, of...

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