rhino conservation south africa

Another factor to take into consideration is the poaching successes and arrests compared to rhino losses. The conservation of African rhinos has been a major wildlife trade issue for well over a decade. But there was a sign of hope when Rhinos without borders came into action, transporting 87 rhinos from high-risk locations in South Africa to the safe haven of Botswana. Every year their … There were likely less than 3549 white and 298 black rhinos left in the park. Channel Africa/SABC Rhino poaching in South Africa falls during Covid-19 lockdown Date: Feb 2, 2021 South Africa has reported a decline in the number of rhinos killed … South African National Parks (SANParks) said anti-poaching efforts should be measured as “percentage of population lost” to give the statistics context. The most pressing threat to their continued … SRP has developed relationships and trust amongst the ranger units and developed Project Embrace. (Cape Town, South Africa – February 1, 2021) – About 62% of rhinos poached in South Africa in 2020 were killed in the Kruger National Park, show newly released statistics on rhino poaching in South Africa. African Black and White Rhino conservation. The source alleged that poachers had “free rein”, and that “internal corruption was getting worse”. In addition to supporting the mental health needs of the teams, SRP also works to instill confidence in rangers by equipping them with what they need to survive and thrive in their protection roles. Picture: Conservation Action Trust. An environmental group in Hong Kong said the 40 kilograms of rhino horn was a major bust. All rights reserved. Sadly, animal poaching, specifically rhino poaching in South Africa … More than $200,000 in grants have been awarded to nine reserves to ensure protection of rhino continues. Rangers and their families are often isolated within the communities they live, which also harbor poachers. However, Zimbabwe, Namibia and Kenya also have large rhino populations and poaching … On average, 3 rhinos are killed every day and this is continuing to rise. Bovine tuberculosis in the Kruger Park also affected rhino populations, as moving them out of the park to safer areas was halted. During your time at the rhino sanctuary … However, medium- and long-term plans are resource dependent, and have thus been affected by Covid-19 constraints, they said. Picture: Facebook/The Rhino Orphanage. Analysing a rhino carcass. An anonymous source has, however, said that... DA wants answers for ‘defunct’ Ezemvelo Wildlife board, Light sentences for poachers take toll on anti-poaching rangers, Rhino poaching decrease criticised for being ‘smoke and mirrors’, Future of Skukuza’s ‘poaching’ court hangs in balance, Stop Rhino Poaching founding director Elise Serfontein, ConCourt confirms unconstitutionality of Rica surveillance, Eskom spent R840 million on flats that can’t be occupied, Scopa hears. If nothing is done to stop this slaughter, the African rhino … No media allowed for Malema and Zuma’s tea date: What will be discussed? Rhinos are in grave danger of poaching. Heavy rains not stopping any time soon. Serfontein believes that a zero-tolerance approach to “internal corruption inside reserves” is essential to curbing rhino poaching. We know that 33% less white and black rhino were killed for their horns last year. The park’s rhino numbers have dropped by about 70 percent during the past decade, largely because of … They added that “only a small number die”. SANParks said rhino population size decreases did contribute to lower poaching figures, but quickly added that this was “not the only factor” threatening the lives of rhinos in South Africa. Rangers often face death threats and their families are threatened. However, as restrictions loosen and the economy continues to worsen, concerns are rising that more could turn to poaching as jobs are lost. And in June 2020, 19 rhinos were poached, with 30 in June 2019. In May 2020, 13 rhinos were poached, down from 59 in May 2019. Learn About Black And White Rhinos In Zimbabwe, Protecting African Rhinos In The Face Of A Pandemic, Expanding Support For K9 Units In South Africa, Donate To Protect Rhinos From Poachers In South Africa, © Copyright 2020. International Rhino Foundation. The rhino population in South Africa has been at serious risk since the significant increase in poaching from 2008. The poachers are recruited and managed by crime rings, … "South African National Parks Annual Report 2010." Another factor that affects population size is orphaned rhinos relocated from the park. "Rhino Poaching Decreases In South Africa." WOULDN’T IT BE GREAT TO NOT HAVE TO SAVE WILD RHINOS? Statistics released today by the Department of Environmental Affairs, Forestry and Fisheries (DEA) shows an encouraging decline in rhino … Picture: Mike Kendrick/Conservation Action Trust. The Rhino Conservation Awards welcome members of the public, non-profits, individuals within conservation organisations and governmental entities across Africa to submit their … ALSO READ: Light sentences for poachers take toll on anti-poaching rangers. With more than 10% of South Africa’s rhino in the Waterberg and our national parks under serious … Rhino Operations in South Africa. A rhino carcass. SANParks said poaching “was still contained” after lockdown, but conceded that numbers shot up last November and December, to 55 and 63 respectively. Join an anti-poaching unit, observe rhinos and other big game in the wild or work at a sanctuary in order to save wild rhinos. Catapulted into the grim world of rhino poaching, Nick Newman trades life in London for a humble, yet adventurous existence … | Web Design by. No media allowed for Malema and Zuma’s tea date: What will be discussed? Current statistics indicate that around 50% of orphaned rhino calves are recovered and rescued. Amid constant threats of poaching, natural mortality is something all animals endure. It is clear that preserving the lives of rhino cows is integral to the survival of the species. Politics For many rangers, this war has been relentless, requiring the skills of a battle-honed soldier. A black rhino in the desert. 6) Most of Africa’s rhino poaching is focused on Kruger National Park The vast majority of white rhino are found in South Africa, making Kruger a real target for poachers. Rhinos were poached to extinction in West and Central Africa, then the poaching epidemic spread to East and Southern Africa, where the rhino population is going through a … Numbers of Rhino Poached from 2007 to 2018 in South Africa The current rhino poaching crisis began in 2008, with increasing numbers of rhino killed for their horn throughout Africa until … ALSO READ: Rhino poaching decrease criticised for being ‘smoke and mirrors’, “A poaching incident is captured in the reporting template as an animal that dies as a result of a bullet wound / other means.”. South Africa has about 20,000 white rhinos and some black rhinos, with most of the animals living in the Kruger National Park, a reserve the size of Israel that sits on the border with … A rhino in South Africa's private nature reserve Welgevonden in the Limpopo Province, South Africa, April 1, 2019. Picture: Adam Cruise/Conservation Action Trust. A source has also questioned why sniffer dogs were not deployed to exits and entrances of the southern gates of the Kruger, saying it may be due to fear that “they will catch poachers and possibly some of their own people”. Rhinos in Kruger, the jewel of South Africa’s national parks, are in trouble. From 2007-2014 the country experienced an exponential rise in rhino … You’ll follow rhino in a safari vehicle and on foot in the wild. Bottle-fed orphaned rhino calves. Compounding the challenges faced in the field, family life is put on the back burner, resulting in a breakdown of family relationships. An air-wing strategy was also needed, which SANParks said had already been implemented in the short term. The wellness program works directly with rangers and their families, tailoring support to their needs. We are proud to be the ‘home of the rhino’, situated in the reserve where conservation in South Africa … A rhino cow is pregnant for 16 months, and only produces, on average, one calf every two to three years. When reading data, context is everything. South Africa … In April 2020, 14 rhinos were poached, compared to 60 in April 2019. Droughts are proving fatal, as well as a lack of funding. Rhinos in South Africa. SANParks said that during the 2015-2016 drought, white rhinos “died naturally at twice the normal rate”, with around 3% of the population adversely affected by long bouts of little to no rainfall. Southern white rhinos have been introduced to Kenya, … Last year, saw the lowest rate of black rhino calves being born since 2013, SANParks said. As such, SANParks said it would implement “a prioritised biological management and veterinary care process aimed at enhancing the survival of injured and wounded cows”. BACK TO PREMIUM SANParks said from 2015 to 2020, white rhino natural deaths ranged from 0.6% to 1.7%, and black rhinos from 1.2% to 4.8%, in the Kruger Park. Other parks and reserves in which Black Rhino and White Rhino can be found in South Africa include the Augrabies Falls National Park (Northern Cape), the Rhino and Lion Nature Reserve … We know that 33% less white and black rhino were killed for their horns last year. When reading data, context is everything. An anonymous source has, however, said that rhino populations in the Kruger National Park alone had dropped by more than 50%. This is 33% less than the 594 killed in 2019 and marks the sixth year that rhino poaching has continued to decrease in South Africa… For the past five years, we … Aside from the incredible Rhino Conservation Experience, where guests get hands on during a rhino notching, we have the following available to us: camera trap set up, game census logging, … South African poaching explained. Kruger National Park’s Intensive Protection Zone reported zero rhino poaching incidents in April, the first month without any poaching incidents since 2007. Poaching also disrupts black rhino societies, whose cows conceive less often. South African National Parks, 2020. SANParks said it had embarked on dehorning strategies to protect cows in vulnerable areas. As restrictions were lifted in July 2020, poaching incidents increased to 37. From South Africa to Namibia and Tanzania, there are many places in … Translocating sub-adult males has also had limited success. A unborn rhino calf, whose mother is poached, is not counted as a poaching fatality, SANParks explained, but is recorded “for statistical purposes”. ‘Above the law’ – Zondo Commission to lay criminal case against Jacob Zuma. Around 20% of the calves are euthanised due to ill health. The country’s black and white rhino populations have more to deal with than just poaching. Focusing on the psychological well-being of rangers in Kruger National Park, the project was developed in partnership with the Game Rangers Association-initiated Ranger Wellbeing Project. They said financing remained a challenge, and said it aimed to “continuously counter” internal corruption. As the lockdown restrictions have eased, poaching is increasing once again, causing concern that the devastation of the economy and widespread job losses may push more people to rhino poaching. ALSO READ: Future of Skukuza’s ‘poaching’ court hangs in balance. But the most devastating threat continues to be the long-term effects of rhino poaching. The picture shows a female rhino in Tugela Private Game Reserve, Colenso, Natal, South Africa, November 9, 2010, that four months earlier survived a brutal dehorning by … Exclusive to African Conservation Experience, this adventure takes you from the wilds of the Kruger National Park to the world’s largest rhino sanctuary, Care for Wild Africa Rhino Sanctuary. a memoir of conservation, unlikely friendships and self-discovery. With movement restrictions lifted, poaching is expected to surge, despite SANParks’ interventions. Leave a legacy in South Africa andassist a team of researchers and veterinarians in a critical conservation effort to tag endangered rhinos. var googletag = googletag || {}; Birth rates plummeted too, with cows only conceiving half their normal birth rate, one year after the drought in the Kruger Park. ConCourt confirms unconstitutionality of Rica surveillance, Business News Our annual conservation operations include: Boots on the Ground; Special Training; Early Warning and Community Involvement; Investigation and Forensic Techniques; Rhino Dogs; Law Enforcement Crackdown; Poaching Deterrents; Translocating Rhinos to Safety; … South African National Parks (SANParks) said anti-poaching efforts should be measured as “percentage of population lost” to give the statistics context. Items like first aid kits that we take for granted are sometimes in short supply and essential for rangers health. Picture: Conservation Action Trust. Each poached rhino cow means losing around five rhinos to the population in the future, SANparks estimated. A rhino cow and her calf. During 2020, 394 rhino were poached for their horn in South Africa. AfRSG members have also assisted conservation agencies in Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe develop national or … IFAW, 2021. Save the Waterberg Rhino is in the forefront of trying to save this last frontier for the rhino. And is poaching the only threat to existing black and white rhino populations? “Most people do not realise the major reason why poaching is dropping is because there are no rhinos anymore,” the source explained. ‘Above the law’ – Zondo Commission to lay criminal case against Jacob Zuma, The Citizen e-edition/ print bundle subscription rates. Droughts also pose challenges for embattled rhinos. And is poaching the only threat to existing black and white rhino populations? She said that “honest rangers live in mortal fear of corrupt insiders”, while “syndicates have tentacles that explore every chink in the armour and are always a few steps ahead”. But if rhino population sizes as a whole in national and private game parks are decreasing, how significant is this 33%? Conservation efforts paying off as rhino poaching declines in 2020 With 394 rhinos killed for their horns in South Africa in 2020, poaching of these endangered animals is declining. Picture: Conservation Action Trust. Stop Rhino Poaching founding director Elise Serfontein said: “No action, or slow action, leads to increasing insider involvement, even more pressure on investigators, [and] continues to cost rhinos their lives and puts good rangers’ lives in danger.”. Due to the movement of poaching syndicates becoming severely restricted in the country’s stricter lockdowns implemented last year, SANParks said the impact on rhino poaching was “significant”. BACK TO CITIZEN We support community-led conservation, so that people living near rhinos are inspired to protect wildlife. A white rhino family. But if rhino population sizes as a whole in national and private game parks are decreasing, how significant is this 33%? Picture: Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department/AFP/Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department. South Africa has by far the largest population of rhinos in the world and is an incredibly important country for rhino conservation. Located in the Eastern Cape of South Africa, the ARCC Project operates a holistic conservation programme bringing together protection, awareness, wildlife management, community … Except at Rockwood Conservation. RHINO CONSERVATION Rhino Ridge Safari Lodge is fiercely committed to conservation and making a difference, a vision that was born in the African savannah. Another factor to take into consideration is the poaching successes and arrests compared to rhino losses. Eskom spent R840 million on flats that can’t be occupied, Scopa hears, Weather googletag.cmd = googletag.cmd || []; Courts Set in South Africa’s malaria-free Eastern Cape Province amid 54,000 acres of prime wildlife territory, Kwandwe Private Game Reserve runs a three night/four day rhino conservation safari … The International Rhino Foundation established the Reserve Relief Fund to provide gap funding for ranger salaries and equipment. A country-wide lockdown in South Africa in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about an unexpected benefit to rhinos and other wildlife – a decrease in poaching incidents. An anonymous source told The Citizen that poachers drove in through the gates of the Kruger Park, posing as tourists or contractors, or were helped inside by staff. White rhinos mainly live in South Africa, but they have also been reintroduced to Botswana, Namibia, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe. For them, this was the most significant challenge to curbing poaching syndicates. SIGN OUT. South Africa’s rhino graveyard is running out of space Environment 23 hours ago The country’s black and white rhino populations have more to deal with than just poaching. JOIN PREMIUM On average in South Africa, one wild rhino is killed every day. Founded by Petronel Nieuwoudt, Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary holds an official MOU (Memorandum Of Understanding) with South African National Parks in our joint effort to safeguard the future of the species and South Africa’s heritage. SIGN IN For more news your way, download The Citizen’s app for iOS and Android. Most of the calves born then are now suckling, which means not as many cows gave birth in 2020, when compared to 2019. Another anonymous source said rhino numbers dropping proved riskier for poachers locating them on foot, which resulted in them “shifting their modus operandi to recruiting more insiders”. Before the lockdown, Poachers often entered Kruger in a vehicle as day visitors and utilized local informants to help them find rhinos and avoid rangers. Other experiences include walking safaris and … A majestic white rhino. Our annual conservation operations include: Working under constant pressure can take its toll on rangers, the frontline of protection for rhinos in South Africa. South African National Parks, 2010. SANParks said there was a delay in prosecuting many suspects in the Lowveld, as well as an early release of prisoners linked to rhino poaching and wildlife crime. But two years later, and the park recorded high birth rates. This would be done by roping in the Financial Intelligence Centre and banking institutions, which SANParks said was “likely to have a significant impact in these areas”. Politics ALSO READ: DA wants answers for ‘defunct’ Ezemvelo Wildlife board. Picture: Adam Cruise/Conservation Action Trust. 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