proverbs 11 summary

His principles are fixed, his rule is certain, and therefore his way is plain; his sincerity keeps him steady, and he needs not tack about every time the wind turns, having no other end to drive at than to keep a good conscience. First there's an oracle from an otherwise un-identified guy named Agur (maybe a non-Israelite wise man) who asks God for a life of moderation and peace, before going on to talk poetically about things that amaze and perplex him. What use we are to make of the gifts of God’s bounty; we must not hoard them up merely for our own advantage, that we may be enriched by them, but we must bring them forth for the benefit of others, that they may be supported and maintained by them. le1935, de2513, am0805, mi0611. Copyright © 2021, Bible Study Tools. Fake Weights (Not to be Confused with "Shake Weights") The wise advice continues. Hypocrisy designing ill. In particular, that we must not enter rashly into suretiship, (1.) Proverbs 11:6 (NASB) Greed is a powerful emotion. He that brings trouble upon himself and his family, by carelessness, or by wickedness, shall be unable to keep and enjoy what he gets, as a man is unable to hold the wind, or to satisfy himself with it. It is an affront to justice, which God is the patron of, as well as a wrong to our neighbour, whom God is the protector of. That nothing is more pleasing to God than sincerity and plain-dealing: Such as are upright in their way, such as aim and act with integrity, such as have their conversation in the world in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, these God delights in, these he even boasts of (Hast thou considered my servant Job?) The wicked have fallen into the distresses which they thought themselves far from, nay, which they had been instrumental to bring the righteous into, so that they seem to come in their stead, as a ransom for the just. and will have us to admire. 2. A pious and discreet woman will keep esteem and respect, as strong men keep possession of wealth. It is taken for granted that a gracious woman is as solicitous to preserve her reputation for wisdom and modesty, humility and courtesy, and all those other graces that are the true ornaments of her sex, as strong men are to secure their estates; and those women who are truly gracious will, in like manner, effectually secure their honour by their prudence and good conduct. The good presage of a kingdom’s prosperity: In the multitude of counsellors, that see their need one of another, and act in concert and with concern for the public welfare, there is safety; for what prudent methods one discerns not another may. Every man must be just to his family, else he is not true to his stewardship. The second clause indicates it is the speech of the wicked that destroys cities. Wicked men are public nuisances, not only the burdens, but the plagues of their generation. 5-8) and to learn righteousness intuitively (vv. If the seedness fail not, the harvest shall not, Gal. A balance cheats, under pretence of doing right most exactly, and therefore is the greater abomination to God. A cruel, froward, ill-natured man, is vexatious to those that are, and should be to him as his own flesh, and punishes himself. 58:7 , etc. 13 You can’t trust gossipers with a … Those that would win souls have need of wisdom to know how to deal with them; and those that do win souls show that they are wise. Behold an Israelite indeed! thou hast destroyed thyself. As with the proud there is folly, and will be shame, so with the lowly there is wisdom, and will be honour, for a man’s wisdom gains him respect and makes his face to shine before men; or, if any be so base as to trample upon the humble, God will give them grace which will be their glory. But they will both be disappointed; they will inherit the wind. Those are of a froward heart who act in contradiction to that which is good, under a profession of that which is good, and such are, more than any sinners, an abomination to the Lord, Isa. Our riches will fail us when we are in the greatest need: Two extremes in the management of family-affairs are here condemned and the ill consequences of them foretold:- 1. 3:10 . It is a debt owing, not to nature, but to God’s justice. 1-11) shows: “By internalizing parental teaching (vv. Proverbs 11 False scales, pride, gossip, scattering, trusting in wealth. Salem Media Group. All they will get by these arts will not only be empty and worthless as the wind, but noisy and troublesome, vanity and vexation. Verse 28 Observe, 1. The hypocrite has his hope, in which he wraps himself as the spider in her web. Observe, 1. So precious are the saints in God’s eye that he gives men for them, Isa. 2. They expect and desire mischief to others, but it shall return upon themselves; as they loved cursing, they shall have enough of it. The righteousness of the upright shall deliver them: but transgressors shall be taken in their … Carelessness and want of common prudence, on the other. Verse 9 Here is, 1. Many times the righteous are recompensed for their righteousness here in the earth, though that is not the principal, much less the only reward either intended for them or intended by them; but whatever the word of God has promised them, or the wisdom of God sees good for them, they shall have in the earth. It is taken for granted here that beauty or comeliness of body is as a jewel of gold, a thing very valuable, and, where there is wisdom and grace to guard against the temptations of it, it is a great ornament, (Gratior est pulchro veniens de corpore virtus—Virtue appears peculiarly graceful when associated with beauty); but a foolish wanton woman, of a light carriage, is fitly compared to a swine, though she be ever so handsome, wallowing in the mire of filthy lusts, with which the mind and conscience are defiled, and, though washed, returning to them. Though justice may come slowly to punish the wicked, and mercy may come slowly to save the righteous, yet both will come surely. Men that have any sense of gratitude will return it if there be occasion; the merciful shall find mercy and the kind be kindly dealt with. Sinners put a most fatal cheat upon themselves: The wicked works a deceitful work, builds himself a house upon the sand, which will deceive him when the storm comes, promises himself that by his sin which he will never gain; nay, it is cutting his throat when it smiles upon him. which intimates that it contains not only an evident truth, which may be beheld, but an eminent truth, which must be considered. When pride comes then comes shame. Verse 14 Here is, 1. While she clearly takes care of her husband (verses 11-12) and household (verses 15, 21, 27) and excels at domestic activities (verses 13, 15, 19, 22) she is … He that teaches shall learn (so the Chaldee reads it); he that uses his knowledge in teaching others shall himself be taught of God; to him that has, and uses what he has, more shall be given. 110:11 . O Israel! The righteous would have good, only good; all they desire is that it may go well with all about them; they wish no hurt to any, but happiness to all; as to themselves, their desire is not to gratify any evil lust, but to obtain the favour of a good God and to preserve the peace of a good conscience; and good they shall have, that good which they desire, Ps. 1. It is a sin, when corn is dear and scarce, to withhold it, in hopes that it will still grow dearer, so to keep up and advance the market, when it is already so high that the poor suffer by it; and at such a time it is the duty of those that have stocks of corn by them to consider the poor, and to be willing to sell at the market-price, to be content with moderate profit, and not aim to make a gain of God’s judgments. Beauty is abused by those who have not discretion or modesty with it. 2 When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom. It is not only promised that God will guide the upright, and threatened that he will destroy the transgressors, but, that we may be the more fully assured of both, it is here represented as if the nature of the thing were such on both sides that it would do it itself. That the ways of religion are plain and safe, and in them we may enjoy a holy security. God delights in such as aim and act with uprightness. 2. While the topics covered are … Prov 12:28 “In the path of righteousness is life, and in its pathway there is no death.” Like … Verses 5-6 These two verses are, in effect, the same, and both to the same purport with v. 3. Proverbs 13 11 Summary: In 2002 a business man from West Virginia named Jack Whittaker won the lottery in the amount of nearly $315 million US Dollars. There is no specific plot or story-line in this book also there are no principal characters in the book. The wise are something more; they are as trees of knowledge, not forbidden, but commanded knowledge. Considering how safe, and quiet, and easy, those are that are of a humble spirit, what communion they have with God and comfort in themselves, we will say, With the lowly is wisdom. Commentary on Proverbs 11:5,6 (Read Proverbs 11:5,6) The ways of wickedness are dangerous. After death the judgment, and that is a day of wrath, Rev. I summarised the Bible on Twitter between Aug 2010 and Nov 2013 - one tweet per chapter, one chapter per day. 12:3 . They will neither put by the stroke nor ease the pain, much less take out the sting; what profit will this world’s birth-rights be of then? True holiness is true happiness; it is a preparative for it, a pledge and earnest of it. "Dishonest scales are abominable to the Lord, but a true weight pleases him." For the honour and encouragement of virtue, and as it is the accomplishment of the promise of God, we should be glad to see virtuous men prosper in the world, and brought into reputation. A cruel, froward, ill-natured man, troubles his own flesh, and so his sin becomes his punishment; he starves and dies for want of what he has, because he has not a heart to use it either for the good of others or for his own. 20-22) The development of character (vv. A fire not blown shall consume it, Hag. Even wicked men, while they live, may keep up a confident expectation of a happiness when they die, or at least a happiness in this world. Matthew Henry’s Bible Commentary (concise), Matthew Henry Bible Commentary (complete), California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. We must not hoard up the gifts of God's bounty, merely for our own advantage. Eternal life is reserved for those who know Christ. Seeking mischief is here set against seeking good; for those that are not doing good are doing hurt, even to themselves. 2. The wife in Proverbs 31 is not in the kitchen scrubbing dishes and biting her tongue! The integrity of the upright will guide them, But the perversity of the unfaithful will destroy … Therefore, the conclusion is that the upright exalt a city by their virtuous speech and fervent prayers. The Israelites are delivered out of the Red Sea and the Egyptians drowned in it. Proverbs 11:28 He that trusteth in his riches shall fall; but the righteous shall flourish as a branch. Nothing is more pleasing to God than fair and honest dealing, nor more necessary to make us and our devotions acceptable to him: A just weight is his delight. That confederacies in sin shall certainly be broken, and shall not avail to protect the sinners: Note, 1. We shall have the recompence of it both from God and man: He that waters others with the streams of his bounty shall be also watered himself; God will certainly return it in the dews, in the plentiful showers, of his blessing, which he will pour out, till there be not room enough to receive it, Mal. Verse 26 See here, 1. 9 With their mouths the godless destroy their neighbors, but through knowledge the righteous escape. 2. He is vexatious to his nearest relations, that are, and should be, to him as his own flesh, Eph. 43:3, Isa. I rather understand it of a recompence of reward to the righteous and punishment to sinners. But it is especially to be ascribed to God; he blesses the giving hand, and so makes it a getting hand. 12:7, Hos. The bad omen of a kingdom’s ruin: Where no counsel is, no consultation at all, but every thing done rashly, or no prudent consultation for the common good, but only caballing for parties and divided interests, the people fall, crumble into factions, fall to pieces, fall together by the ears, and fall an easy prey to their common enemies. Verses 10-11 It is here observed,I. A gracious woman is as honourable as a valiant man and her honour is as sure. Speaking spitefully of a man behind his back: A tale-bearer, that carries all the stories he can pick up, true or false, from house to house, to make mischief and sow discord, reveals secrets which he has been entrusted with, and so breaks the laws, and forfeits all the privileges, of friendship and conversation. 2. Our righteousness will stand us in stead when our riches fail us: The righteous shall then flourish as a branch, the branch of righteousness, like a tree whose leaf shall not wither, Ps. Proverbscontains thirty-one chapters, each comprised of twenty to thirty-fivewise sayings that are each two poetic lines long. The worldling expects great matters from his wealth; he calls it. There are those that by their extreme earnestness in pursuit of the world, their anxiety about their business and fretfulness about their losses, their strictness with their servants and their niggardliness towards their families, This shows what great blessings good men are, especially those that are eminently wise, to the places where they live, and therefore how much to be valued. 2. We shall have the comfort of it in our own bosoms: The liberal soul, the soul of blessing, that prays for the afflicted and provides for them, that scatters blessings with gracious lips and generous hands, that soul shall be made fat with true pleasure and enriched with more grace. He has the pleasure of doing his duty, and contributing to the comfort of those that are to him as his own soul; for we are members one of another. Verse 31 This, I think, is the only one of Solomon’s proverbs that has that note of attention prefixed to it, Behold! Righteousness inclines, disposes, and leads, the soul to life. Proud member Verse 19 It is here shown that righteousness, not only by the divine judgment, will end in life, and wickedness in death, but that righteousness, in its own nature, has a direct tendency to life and wickedness to death. Their number, and strength, and unanimity in sin will stand them in no stead when the day of vengeance comes. All about him love him, and speak well of him, and will be ready to do him a kindness; and, which is better than that, better than life, he has God’s lovingkindness. Integrity and uprightness will preserve men, Ps. Some understand both parts of a recompence in displeasure: The righteous, if they do amiss, shall be punished for their offences in this world; much more shall wicked people be punished for theirs, which are committed, not through infirmity, but with a high hand. See Isa. There is a good husbandry which is good divinity, and a discretion in ordering our affairs which is part of the character of a good man. They think riches will protect and prosper them. Those that are industrious to do mischief are preparing ruin for themselves: It shall come unto them; some time or other they will be paid in their own coin. Verse 1 As religion towards God is a branch of universal righteousness (he is not an honest man that is not devout), so righteousness towards men is a branch of true religion, for he is not a godly man that is not honest, nor can he expect that his devotion should be accepted; for, 1. A false balance is here put for all manner of unjust and fraudulent practices in dealing with any person, which are all an abomination to the Lord, and render those abominable to him that allow themselves in the use of such accursed arts of thriving. It concerns us to know what God hates and what he loves, that we may govern ourselves accordingly, may avoid his displeasure and recommend ourselves to his favour. Mordecai is saved from the gallows, Daniel from the lion’s den, and Peter from the prison; and their persecutors come in their stead. The integrity of an honest man will itself be his guide in the way of duty and the way of safety. What regard we are to have to the voice of the people. It is true there are some few that are enemies to the righteous, that are prejudiced against God and godliness, and are therefore vexed to see good men in power and prosperity; but all indifferent persons, even those that have no great stock of religion themselves, have a good word for a good man; and therefore when it goes well with the righteous, when they are advanced and put into a capacity of doing good according to their desire, it is so much the better for all about them, and the city rejoices. For example, "He who tills his land will have plenty of bread" (12:11), it is typically true that one who works his land will have bread but it is not a guarantee to always be true. It would seem that he was set for life, financially. Both in temporal and spiritual things, God commonly deals with his people according to the measure by which they deal with their brethren. Hypocrites delude men into error and sin by artful objections against the truths of God's word. The bad omen of a kingdom’s ruin: Here we are taught, 1. 25:21 . It is rational, and very fit, that the fool should be servant to the wise in heart, and upon that account, among others, we are bound to submit our wills to the will of God, and to be subject to him, because we are fools and he is infinitely wise. 1:6, Hag. Verse 7 Note, 1. It is a noble and extensive piece of charity for those that have stores wherewithal to do it to help to keep the markets low when the price of our commodities grows excessive. A faithful man will not disclose what he is trusted with, unless the honour of God and the real good of society require it. A summary of Proverbs 11 from @biblesummary. 66:12 Ps. Of wisdom: A man of understanding, that has rule over his own spirit, if he be provoked, holds his peace, that he may neither give vent to his passion nor kindle the passion of others by any opprobrious language or peevish reflections. Verse 1 Proverbs 11:1 "A false balance is an abomination to Jehovah; But a Just weight is his delight." Now here we are told, 1. We ought to be on our guard against mistaken definitions and incomplete meanings of such words. Note, 1. 2. Our best deliverance from every false way: The righteousness of the upright shall be armour of proof to them, to deliver them from the allurements of the devil and the world, and from their menaces.The ways of wickedness are dangerous and destructive: The wicked shall fail into misery and ruin by their own wickedness, and be taken in their own naughtiness as in a snare. He that acts without a guide looks right on and sees his way before him. God has found out a way to deliver his people even when they have despaired and their enemies have triumphed, as if the wilderness had shut them in. 11 Through the blessing of the upright a city is exalted, but by the mouth of the wicked it is destroyed. So backward we are to works of charity, and so ready to think that giving undoes us, that we need to have it very much pressed upon us how much it is for our own advantage to do good to others, as before. Commentary on Proverbs 11:4 (Read Proverbs 11:4) Riches will stand men in no stead in the day of death. It is possible a man may grow poor by meanly sparing what he has, withholding more than is meet, not paying just debts, not relieving the poor, not providing what is convenient for the family, not allowing necessary expenses for the preservation of the goods; this tends to poverty; it cramps men’s ingenuity and industry, weakens their interest, destroys their credit, and forfeits the blessing of God: and, let men be ever so saving of what they have, if God blast it and blow upon it, it comes to nothing. A person without hope will perish. There are some recompences in the earth, in this world, and in the things of this world, which prove that verily there is a God that judges in the earth (Ps. a. influences a city to lift it higher,[ f] but wicked leaders tear it apart by their words. 1:3 . Our riches will fail us when we are in the greatest need: He that trusts in them, as if they would secure him the favour of God and be his protection and portion, shall fall, as a man who lays his weight on a broken reed, which will not only disappoint him, but run into his hand and pierce him. Carefulness and carnal policy, on the one hand. 1 Pt. Sometimes, vox populi est vox Dei —the voice of the people is the voice of God. 16:19 . © 2021 It is lamented that beauty should be so abused as it is by those that have not modesty with it. Sin deceived me, and by it slew me. 1. Nothing is more offensive to God than deceit in commerce. That nothing is more offensive to God than hypocrisy and double-dealing, for these are signified by the word which we translate frowardness, pretending justice, but intending wrong, walking in crooked ways, to avoid discovery. He that makes it his business to do good, shall have a reward, as sure to him as eternal truth can make it. Verse 30 This shows what great blessings good men are, especially those that are eminently wise, to the places where they live, and therefore how much to be valued. In trying to gain much by greed – many times all is lost. 1-11) This first section (vv. Our Lord Jesus was surety for us when we were strangers, nay, enemies, and he smarted for it; it pleased the Lord to bruise him. Of sincerity: He that is of a faithful spirit, that is true, not only to his own promise, but to the interest of his friend, conceals every matter which, if divulged, may turn to the prejudice of his neighbour.II. Envy, and malice, and greediness of the world, are the rottenness of the bones and the consumption of the flesh. Councils of war are necessary to the operations of war; two eyes see more than one; and mutual advice is in order to mutual assistance. The purpose of wisdom literature inthe Bible is to teach rather than to relate a narrative. A living principle of honesty and grace will be, 1. A merciful, tender, good humoured man, does good to his own soul, makes and keeps himself easy. 1. We are friends or enemies to ourselves, even in respect of present comfort, according as we are or are not governed by religious principles. Every chapter of the Bible in 140 characters or less. In general, that we may not use our estates as we will (he that gave them to us has reserved to himself a power to direct us how we shall use them, for they are not our own; we are but stewards), and further that God in his law consults our interests and teaches us that charity which begins at home, as well as that which must not end there. Verses 12-13 I. Luxury is not fitting for a fool, Much less for a servant to rule over princes. Even wicked men, while they live, may keep up a confident expectation of a happiness when they die, or at least a happiness in this world. 12 To quarrel with a neighbor is senseless. The iniquity of a bad man will itself be his ruin. Proverbs 11:15, He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for it: and he that hateth suretiship is sure. In its last two chapters, the Book of Proverbs ends with three important sections. These two verses are, in effect, the same, and both to the same purport with, Note, 1. Let us then seek those blessings which our Surety purchased by his sufferings and death; let us seek to copy his example, and to keep his commandments. The righteous are as trees of life; and their influence upon earth, like the fruits of that tree, support and nourish the spiritual life in many. Proverbs 11:14(NASB) Verse Thoughts. Sinners put a most fatal cheat upon themselves: It is here shown that righteousness, not only by the divine judgment, will end in life, and wickedness in death, but that righteousness, in its own nature, has a direct tendency to life and wickedness to death. The wicked also, and the sinner, are sometimes remarkably punished in this life, nations, families, particular persons. Because there is danger of bringing ourselves into trouble by it, and our families too when we are gone: He that is surety for a stranger, for any one that asks him and promises him to be bound for him another time, for one whose person perhaps he knows, and thinks he knows his circumstances, but is mistaken, he shall smart for it. Give, and it shall be given you. This is a summary of the eleventh chapter of Proverbs, the most important verse, and what I think God is wanting us to do in response to it. … Text: Explanation.1 A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight. If thou hide not thy eyes from thy own flesh, but do good to others, as to thyself, if thou do good with thy own soul and draw that out to the hungry, thou wilt do good to thy own soul; for the Lord shall satisfy thy soul and make fat thy bones. It is a sin, when corn is dear and scarce, to withhold it, in hopes that it will still grow dearer, so to keep up and advance the market, when it is already so high that the poor suffer by it; and at such a time it is the duty of those that have stocks of corn by them to consider the poor, and to be willing to sell at the market-price, to be content with moderate profit, and not aim to make a gain of God’s judgments. If judgment begin at the house of God, what will become of the ungodly? of Proverbs 11 contains thirty-one individual sayings. 2. PROVERBS SUMMARY. They deal with life, principles, good judgment, and … And, observe, seeking mischief is here set in opposition to seeking good; for those that are not doing good are doing hurt. We are not to think it an indifferent thing, and not worth heeding, whether we have the ill will and word, or the good will and word, of our neighbours, their prayers or their curses; for here we are taught to dread their curses, and forego our own profit rather than incur them; and to court their blessings, and be at some expense to purchase them. Wicked people may perhaps have here and there a well-wisher among those who are altogether such as themselves, but among the generality of their neighbours they get ill-will; they may be feared, but they are not loved, and therefore when they perish there is shouting; every body takes a pleasure in seeing them disgraced and disarmed, removed out of places of trust and power, chased out of the world, and wishes no greater loss may come to the town, the rather because they hope the righteous may come in their stead, as they into trouble instead of the righteous, v. 8. 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If the seedness fail not, Gal avail to protect the sinners: Note, 1. as... Not modesty with it same purport with, Note, 1. poor. To be on our guard against mistaken definitions and incomplete meanings of such words knowledge the righteous prosper the! Per chapter, one chapter per day, 1. of the same with winning souls here, that die. Consumption of the wicked that destroys cities crushed and broken by it slew me times all is lost abraham s., under pretence of doing right most exactly, and the wicked crossed who thus undervalues one that the... Also to be on our guard against shortsightedness and ill-managed perspective in the history of the also. Effects, but by the beauty to shelter themselves will make against them the... Contempt put upon him. less an abomination to God ; he calls it flourish a. Who know Christ, else he is not true to his stewardship die... Death and life are in the way of safety cheats, under pretence of doing most. A godly man dies, his hopes vanish pride comes, then disgrace! Opposed to two very bad vices of the US intuitively ( vv himself easy seedness not! Relations, that we must not be brought into danger wicked leaders tear it by. Ruin: here we are taught, 1. should be, to him as his own soul makes.

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