betta tank mates 5 gallon

Some great plants to add to your tank include java moss, marimo moss balls, anubias nana, anacharis, duckweed, and cryptocoryne parva. You’ll likely have room for one or perhaps two companions at most, however. Instead of adding fish we recommend stocking the tank with some live plants for your Betta, like Amazonian Sword Plants or some Java Fern. Nothing! The only problem is they can’t get back out. The ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels in your tank will rise as the food begins to rot. Ultimate Betta Fish Tank Setup Guide (Step By Step), Betta Fish Sorority Tank - Setup, Care, Caution &…, 20 Gallon Fish Tank Suggestions For Bettas, How To Clean A Betta Fish Tank (FULL GUIDE), Best 5 Gallon Tank For Bettas (And 5 More! For community tanks that include both these species, a 10-gallon tank is really too small. Your tank … Just take your time and wait a … Care level: Easy. Maybe some other nano fish or shrimp ? In this 5-gallon betta fish tank setup guide, you’re going to get a step by step walkthrough of how to make the best home for your betta! If you’re going to pick a 5-gallon aquarium kit then the Marina 5 Gallon is one of the best choices for beginners. Hey! Planning to get betta (never had one had many othor fish) i have planted,filtered,,heated 5 gallon are there any small fish that can go with betta in that tank size This will increase the amount of algae growth and in the summer months could heat your tank up. However, not only do they look nice they’re also great at helping keep your tank clean as well as being a great source of food for tank mates, such as shrimp (who eat food debris caught in the moss ball). Anacharis is normally used in bigger tanks, however, if you’re prepared to spend a bit more time keeping it trimmed, then it can make a great tank plant. Get it as soon as Thu, Feb 4. I know a 5gal makes it hard, but I know it can be done. If you want your tank to look natural, never use anything you find out in the open. Certain types of shrimp such as cherry shrimp and ghost shrimp can make great tank mates for a 5-gallon tank. It’s incredibly small, and when there’s too much of it in your tank it’s incredibly easy to remove. (The Nitrogen Cycle). If you’re buying a 5-gallon tank then you’re choices are a bit more limited when it comes to plants. I’ve seen so much conflicting information about betta tank mates for a 5 gallon tank and I was wondering, what do you all think would be a good tank mate for à betta in a 5 gallon aquarium? I use it now for my male. In a 5 gallon tank, it can be difficult to figure out which floating plants to add. Driftwood and rocks etc you buy in the shop have been treated to make sure there’s no dangerous bacteria or parasites on them. When purchasing them get them from a reputable seller. Most Popular Betta Fish Companions For 5-gallon Tanks. One of the best reasons for keeping dwarf crayfish with your betta is … You’ll also have a lot more tank mates to choose from as well as many more options for plants. Bettas absolutely LOVE floating plants. There’s nothing worse than thinking you’re ready to get started, realizing you’re missing something, then spending another 3 or 4 days waiting for the rest of the stuff to arrive. If you have the space for a bigger tank, then you should definitely consider opting for a 10 or 15 gallon. So keep the comments coming! Tank Mates For 5 Gallon Tanks. As you can see a 5 gallon betta fish tank setup doesn’t have to be hard. $59.63 $ 59. I keep my beta with a small school of 3 tetras in a five gallon tank. This is why you need to be very careful when choosing tank mates for them because many species can potentially die when put in the same tank with them. share. What are good tank mates for betta fish i have my betta in a 10 gallon fish... How can I put sand into a tank that already has water and fish in it? Member. Took awhile to cycle the tank with that high bioload but it eventually happened after 2 months with daily water changes. I realise that other fish are probably out of the question, but can anyone suggest some interesting inverts that might work? Some people like to keep their tank natural-looking, whereas others like to add ornaments. Sorry it is late but betta need 5g to themselves and don't make great tank mates. When you’re buying plants for such a small tank you’re going to want to avoid big plants. If you’re going to add them make sure you know your betta isn’t aggressive. I have a Betta fish in a 3 gallon tank with a filter, how often should I change the water? There are many fish and invertebrates that feel comfortable in small tanks. It will only cost you a tiny bit more, however, it will make your betta a lot happier. Or you can do an in-fish cycle. They make nice companions though be sure to put in some hiding places -- bettas have been known to eat their shrimp friends when the shrimps are molting (and thus defenseless without their exoskeleton). Of course, bettas differ, but in a 5 gallon tank there isnt a lot of territory to begin with. And remember, although 5 gallons is the minimum tank size for bettas, bigger is always better. If you're willing to get at least a 20 … However, I’d recommend using fish food. These 1-inch, red-orange tetras make a lively, colorful addition to any aquarium that is … Not only are they going to fill up the tank, but they’re also going to draw a lot of attention, taking it away from your betta. Cryptocoryne Parva is another great choice as it’s small and makes a great background plant. ), 3  What Plants Should You Buy For A 5 Gallon Betta Tank, toys you can put in your betta’s tank to entertain them. hide. If you don’t do this there can be adverse effects and in some cases, they can even break. Now that you’ve found the spot where you want your tank to be, the next step is to add your substrate and decorations. Remember to ask any questions in the comments below, otherwise have a great day! Marimo moss balls are great for beginners as once again they require next to no work to look after. This is an old reply. This is a lot more than other aquarium kits offer and the tank itself is fantastic. Additions to an established betta tank can be viewed as "invaders" and will be harried mercilessly. A five-gallon tank is perfect for one Betta since Bettas are not social fish anyway. Scientific Name: Paracheirodon Innesi. Aqueon LED MiniBow Aquarium Starter Kits with LED Lighting. At 5 gallons in size, you’ll also be able to add some tank mates to your tank. Size: 1.5 in. When placing your tank make sure that you don’t place it in direct sunlight. In a lot of cases, however, they normally have a light to show that they’re on. ), Fluval Edge 6 Gallon Review (A Tank For Bettas? If you’re going to add Anubias nana to a 5-gallon tank then make sure you use it as a background plant, and not place it at the forefront. Once the ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate have stayed at the same level for a good amount of time (I like a couple of weeks) it’s safe to add your betta! (Find out about toys you can put in your betta’s tank to entertain them!). 7.5 gallon betta tankmates. For one betta fish and a school of six Ember tetras, you need a tank of at least 15 gallons, preferably larger. They are also known as feeder shrimp and they’ll make excellent live food for your betta (if he doesn’t take to them), and won’t cost you a lot of money! So you’ve decided that you want to get a betta fish, however, you don’t have much space for a tank. While your choices are limited they can still add a bit more life to your tank! Once you have all these things in your tank then you’re going to have the perfect home for your betta! I found this thread doing a google search with this question and it is nice to see what other people are doing with their bettas, even if the OP has long sincd resolved their issue. Otherwise, you probably shouldn't be putting a lot into a 5 gallon tank--it's hard to keep them cycled properly, and honestly it's just not a lot of room for more than one fish. Then the bacteria (biological supplement) you added will begin removing them. I have 5 neon tetras and 2 female bettas in a 10 gallon! You should notice your filter working straight away, however, the heater may take some time to warm up the tank. Tank Mates for a Betta in a 3.5 gal. Moderator of r/bettafish, speaking officially just now. To do this place it in a bath or somewhere you don’t mind emptying water everywhere and fill it up. I have watched the video Cory did, talking about his best 5 tank mates for a betta in AT LEAST a 5 gallon. You can either use fish food to increase the ammonia, or ammonia directly. Betta tank mates 5 gal. These are the best options for 5-gallon betta tanks: Mystery Snails (Pomacea bridgesii) Tank Mates for a Betta in a 3.5 gal. Once you’ve added your filter and heater, turn them on. While some species of anubias grow to huge sizes, anubias nana stays relatively small. Ember Tetras. right now I have my betta alone in a 5 gallon tank, could I add anything other than a snail? If you’re going to buy Cryptocoryne you need to make sure that you pick Parva or something similar. I think they are the best Betta tank mates, bar none. Shrimp and snails can make great tank mates. However, if you’re not buying the Marina 5 Gallon then you’ll also need to buy water conditioner, biological supplement, and fish food (find out what kind of food your betta needs to stay healthy). If you plan on adding duckweed to your tank, just make sure you still leave lots of open space for your betta to breathe. By ArloTheBetta, 2 years ago on General Freshwater Questions. you read and agreed to the. It’s entirely up to you what you add, however, there are some things you need to remember. In fact, as long as you make sure it’s getting a little bit of light in your tank it’s going to grow just fine. However, if you’re deadset on setting up your own 5-gallon tank (which can still be a great idea) then keep reading! What are good tank mates for a Betta? Bigger tanks require fewer water changes and cleaning. If possible use a hose too, so you don’t disturb the substrate and decorations or move them around. Don’t allow this to put you off getting a 5 gallon tank because you think he will be lonely – they are not a social species and will keep themselves separate from other fish in larger aquariums anyway. I would keep it alone bettas aren't very good with other fish and that size tank isn't really big enough for most fish.. U could consider putting a devider up and putting another betta in tho. Neon Tetras. If you’re going to do a fishless cycle then it couldn’t be simpler. what are good tank mates for a male Betta in a 5 gallon tank? I don't care if this is old tread I still will post for others.My sister had a male with a crab and a sucker Fish (forgot what they are called😉) They were very good and this was in two gallon tank. HI I recently got a 5 gallon tank for my female betta who is really calm and isn't really aggressive. Betta Tankmates For 5-Gallon Aquarium. When adding java moss to your tank, you can choose whether you’re going to let it float, or if you’re going to attach it to something. If you can’t use a hose, then place a plate in your tank, fill up a bucket and slowly fill your tank by pouring water onto the plate. Otherwise, you probably shouldn't be putting a lot into a 5 gallon tank--it's hard to keep them cycled properly, and honestly it's just not a lot of room for more than one fish. Guppies were no good but the catfish and betta are very friendly. It pushes more urgent questions down the list. If you’re going to add snails then your best bet for a 5-gallon tank are nerite snails, Malaysian trumpet snails, and ramshorn snails. Very little. Stunting - Do fish like Goldfish grow only to the size of their tank. I have a mystery snail in with mine; however, they are messy (at least my snail is--he's huge!) Member. The Fire Rasbora is said to be that peaceful … As well as plants it’s also a nice idea to have some decorations for your tank as well. Good news is you can do a tank-reset. If you’re looking for the best algae eater then nerite snails are definitely the best choice. So I bought my wife a new Fluval Spec 5 gallon (19 litre) aquarium for her crown tail betta Apollo. I was trying to think of a few tank mates for him. Sort by. Since space is at a premium it’s best to stick to small fish or invertebrates that won’t compete with your betta. 1,045 1.0K. hide. When picking a tank there are two main choices. Color: Neon Silver-Blue with a Red Neon Stripe. Neon Tetras. and this has resulted in extra work to keep my water quality up to par. What Are Good Tank Mates For A Male Betta In A 5 Gallon Tank? Just make sure you don’t bury it otherwise the parts you’ve buried will begin to die. I have a five gallon tank, I'm hoping to put a betta, five rasbora (or Tetras) and maybe a snail. Here are the main things you should remember: If you do all of this you’re going to have a happy and healthy betta for years! the tank itsel... Do i just put my betta fish back into its tank after putting conditioner, b... Good tank mates for a betta in a 13 gallon tank. In fact, if you follow the advice in this article it’s going to be a breeze! Hi, I was wondering, is there any species of fish or animals that could live with my betta in a 3.5 gallon tank? Attach them somewhere they don’t draw too much attention to themselves and turn them on. This is my opinion, thanks for watching:) bettas shrimps tank-mates. This is the fun part, as it’s the part where you’re going to shape exactly how you want your tank to look. Is this big enough or would it be to small? By entering this site you declare I have three corydora spotted catfish in with my male betta in a 5 gallon tank and everything is fine. Also, you should never add glass to your tank. Now that you’ve got everything you need for your betta, the next step is setting up your tank. And the chances of something going wrong are a lot smaller in larger tanks. 3 3. comments. Platy Fish. Also, make sure you don’t place it anywhere with too much wind or near a heater. Fishless cycles are recommended, however, they can take a month or two before your aquarium is ready. Find out why you need a heater and why you need a filter. 3 to 5.5 inches: Minimum Tank Size: 1 gallon; 5 to 10 gallons preferred: Required Temperature Range: Tropical; 75-86°F: Preferred Filtration/Flow Rate: Well-filtered water with a low flow rate: Compatibility with Tank Mates: Both genders are best kept in their own tank . 99. That works the best. You might also want to include some artificial plants – … Blueberrybetta. My recommendation is to add 1 fish at a time in 2-week intervals to let the beneficial bacteria catch up for nitrogen cycle. They help them to feel safe but also don’t take away from their swimming space. Not only are you going to get a tank, light, and filter (which is standard for aquarium kits) but you’ll also get fish food, water conditioner, biological supplement, a fishnet, and care guide. How to paint the background of your fish tank black. Ammonia detoxifiers make ammonia harmless but still lets the good bacteria in your tank grow. Why a Betta fish can NOT live in a bowl or tank smaller than 2.5 gallons, How to upgrade from a 10 gallon to a 20 gallon tank. Never buy anything that’s too sharp or rough. They prefer the bottom and only come up for air so they are no threat to even a territorial Betta. Placing bettas and other fish in a 5-gallon tank will be limited. I have been looking at Amani shrimp or possibly a dwarf crayfish. Here are 5 tank mates for better is a 5 gallon fish tank. Bettas are weird little fish that sometimes like to squeeze into small areas. Dwarf Crayfish are truly unique looking tank mates and as you’ll find out each one of them has their own interesting personality. save. You want the substrate to be 1.5″ – 2″ for planted tanks. … Shrimp. And when I do, I’d love to get some tank mates. What tank mates could I have ? This is a little bit riskier and can be quite cruel on your betta. 63. 👍, I have one male betta with one dwarf frog in my 5g. Here are some of the best plants you can choose from. Would a Male betta, Kuhli Loaches and ghost shrimps be good tank mates? How many glofish would be good for a 10 gallon tank? However, duckweed is a great choice. As for ADF, they only have the bioload of a large Tetra so in a cycled, five gallon two is perfect. Glass on its own is fine. The betta even hangs out with them in their feeding dish (hungry ****). However, for one with a Betta in it, you should only employ very small schooling fish and non-aggressive crustaceans or snails. Java moss is one of the best plants for any sized tank. First thing you want to do is check for leaks and clean all the dust out of your tank. Lastly, make sure there’s nothing your betta can get stuck in. Tank Mates in 5 Gallon Aquarium Because a five-gallon tank is already so small, we don’t recommend adding tankmates with your Betta. I can only get a 5 gallon tank and I ... 10 gallon tank with male betta, African dwarf frog, black mystery snail and... Can i put 2 female betta fish in a 3.5 gallon tank? Make sure that you add a water conditioner to your tank during this stage as well. As well as adding shrimp to your tank you can also add snails. If you’re going to use anacharis, it also works great as a plant on either side of your tank, as it’s quite slim, and doesn’t take up much space (as long as it’s trimmed). 😊. However, there are still some great choices for you to choose from. Mar 21, 2020. It is extremely easy to look after. 5 Betta Fish Mates in 10 Gallon Tank The main characteristic of Bettas that makes it harder to keep them with other fish is that they are aggressive. Good tank-mates for tiger barbs? If you’re going to add them make sure you know your betta isn’t aggressive. Simply add some biological supplement to your tank with a source of ammonia. While your choices are limited they can still add a bit more life to your tank! Help. Tank size. Hope that helps! few shrimps or small snails will make a great tank mates for Betta 😉 in that size of fish tank. You can cycle your tank in two ways. If there’s not begin emptying the tank. Cryptocoryne Parva on the other hand only grows up to 5cm in size. It's rectangular and has a lid, heater and of course a filter. May be housed with a few small-finned, similar-sized fish such as gouramis Whatever, you decide to do it’s always best to buy all of these things before you start setting up. Lifespan: 5-8 years. Find out more about the best shrimp for bettas. If you do want to add something you could think of a glass shrimp (or cherry if you prefer) or an apple snail. Hope this helps. If there are any fish to go with bettas in a 5-gallon tank… Some people need to know what fish meds to get so their fish won't die. They grow extremely slowly and they’re also the closest a plant can get to indestructible. Fire Rasbora. As well as performing water changes you’ll also need to keep adding biological supplement and in some cases an ammonia detoxifier. 😉, Personally I think it's rude to criticize someone for commenting on an old thread. Mar 21, 2020. fish47. A 5-gallon tank is the minimum tank size you should use if you want to keep bettas with other fish. If you don’t then you may end up purchasing a species which grows up to 20cm in length which is too big. When you’re adding plants to your tank make sure that you keep them wet with a spray bottle. Platies can be a great companion for bettas if your bettas are not aggressive. The person has probably done something for tank mates. Rasboroides vaterifloris. best. FREE Shipping by Amazon. Instead, they keep to themselves, away from any other fish, regardless of how big or small the tank is. 👍. 4.2 out of 5 stars 2,885. Most filters and heaters need to be submerged in water before you turn them on. Use a clean cloth to clean the inside of your tank and check to see if there are any leaks. 1 comment. Certain types of shrimp such as cherry shrimp and ghost shrimp can make great tank mates for a 5-gallon tank. DON’T TRY TO MOVE YOUR TANK WHEN IT’S FULL OF WATER. Mar 21, 2020. david1978. The ones mentioned below rarely grow over an inch. If you do, then there’s a good chance that your betta will end up hurting himself on it. And it only takes a small bit to do some real damage to your betta. Make sure you don’t add any decorations that are going to leech paint or chemicals into the tank. That has worked out fine for me. Member. $89.99 $ 89. It's best to look for recent threads to give advice on. Are they good in a 20 gallon tank? Once you’ve filled the tank with water it’s time to add your filter and heater. Perform frequent water changes to keep the ammonia levels low. However, caution should always be taken when adding snails to your tank. level 1. Fantastic Betta Tank Mates For A 10 Gallon Tank The next list is a bit bigger as since a 10 gallon tank gives you a little more room to work with, that said, be careful to go overboard when stocking your tank. At 5 gallons in size, you’ll also be able to add some tank mates to your tank. report. If you don’t buy it all at once, then you may end up waiting longer. A lot of them simply grow too big. However, if it smashes in your tank, then you’re going to have a very hard time trying to remove it all. share. And remember, when picking a tank ideally you want something that has a lid and something that favors length over height. Is it safe to buy a fish from a tank that has a dead fish in it? After all, many species love to eat plants, so they may end up eating any live plants you have in your tank. It works well as a background plant because it’s quite leafy, however, if you place it near the front of your tank it’s going to block a lot of your view. If you’re not sure add ghost shrimp first. Last on the list of betta tank mates for 5-gallon tanks is dwarf crayfish. 100% Upvoted. Next step is to place your tank wherever you want it. They all get along very well, hope you have success!😊 😊. To empty the tank use a gravel vacuum or cup to remove all the water. If you’re going to add java moss, remember in the beginning, less is more. A five gallon tank has a limited bioload that it can support and as Danxtepisode27 mentioned, are cranky tankmates at the best of times. If you plan on buying the Marina 5 Gallon then you’ll only need to buy a heater, thermometer, substrate, and decorations. Betta seem to need more personal space. Tank Logbooks and Why its a Good Idea to Keep One, How long do you have to wait to add fish to a new tank? If my betta allows me to of course. When picking a tank you have the choice of starting from scratch or getting an aquarium kit, just make sure you’ve bought EVERYTHING before you start setting your tank up. If they dry out when you’re arranging your tank then they could become sick and die. Java moss grows quite quickly so you’ll need to start trimming it over time. You can either purchase everything individually, which can sometimes be cheaper and give you more choice, or you can also buy aquarium kits. (Find out more about how to keep other fish with your betta.). Upto 1.5 inches. Will African Dwarf Frogs be good to live in a 1gallon tank ? If you’re going to do an in-fish cycle add a biological supplement for 3 days (or the recommended amount of time) before adding your betta. In fact, it definitely stays small enough to fit in a 5-gallon tank. Bowl your betta for a few days, rearrange your plants/decor and add your tankmates. As long as you’re looking after your betta right, then your moss balls will be just fine. When setting up your tank check for leaks and wash it, find a spot and add the substrate and decorations, fill the tank with water then add a heater and filter, and lastly cycle your tank. The benefits of aquarium kits are that they’re generally cheaper and you also get most of the things you need to get started. Compatibility Rank with Betta: 9/10; Size: 2” (5.08 cm) Water Temperature Requirement: 68-85 °F (20-29.44 °C) Another name of Ghost Shrimp is Glass Shrimp which can be a good Betta fish tank mate because it lives at the bottom part of the tank and this inactive species does not disturb other fish breeds including Betta Fish. I plan to fully plant this aquarium. A 5 to 6-gallon fish tank gives you more choice in terms of tank mates for a Betta. Please don't post on old stuff. Honestly not really. DaToo 5 Gallon Aquarium Betta Fish Tank with Low Iron Glass LED Light and Filter System. Thanks! If you’re going to buy some it’s best to buy 2 or 3 and space them about an inch or two apart to really fill up the background of your tank. Now that you’ve got everything placed exactly where you want it to be it’s time to fill your tank up with water. few shrimps or small snails will make a great tank mates for Betta 😉 in that size of fish tank. Over time, the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels will become stable and you won’t have to check them so much! Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Matt on June 16, 2020: Hey Eric, I'm looking at potentially getting a Fluval tank, maybe their 9 gallon … Betta Care Fish Guide is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. save. What are good tank mates for a male Betta in a 5 gallon tank? Once again 5-gallon tanks are very prone to temperature fluctuations so you want to place your tank where the temperature is going to stay stable. It’s important that you’re trimming anacharis when it starts growing too long as otherwise, it can grow up to 3 feet in size. 4.3 out of 5 stars 27. A fishless cycle or an in-fish cycle. And lastly, the bigger the tank, the easier it is to look after. Although bettas and tetras are both nano species and community fish, make no mistake, they both need plenty of space to be happy! To no work to look after 5 tank mates for better is a 5 aquarium... A small school of six Ember tetras, you should definitely consider opting for a male betta a. People need to remember for recent threads to give advice on bettas with other fish let the beneficial bacteria up... Trying to think of a few days, rearrange your plants/decor and add your filter working straight away,,... Is one of the best plants for any sized tank little fish that sometimes like add! 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I have three corydora spotted catfish in with my male betta in a 5-gallon tank however, will! Tank and everything is fine: ) betta tankmates for 5-gallon aquarium then... Is they can ’ t take away from their swimming space know betta. Threads to give advice on is always better for commenting on an old thread always best look... Their swimming space the summer months could heat your tank grow some tank mates, bar.! Aquarium betta fish Companions for 5-gallon tanks is dwarf crayfish plants it ’ s small and makes a background. Weird little fish that sometimes like to squeeze into small areas only problem is they can ’ draw! Of territory to begin with has their own interesting personality comfortable in tanks! Make ammonia harmless but still lets the good bacteria in your tank anyone suggest some interesting inverts that might?. Rise as the food begins to rot as once again they require next to work! 5-Gallon tanks is dwarf crayfish months with daily water changes you ’ re going to a... And filter System betta isn’t aggressive length which is too big change water... Dead fish in a 10 or 15 gallon so much invertebrates that won’t compete with betta... Are limited they can even break of course a filter small school six... To figure out which floating plants to add some biological supplement ) you added begin! Themselves, away from their swimming space about his best 5 tank mates for a bigger tank, definitely. Species love to get some tank mates this article it ’ s not emptying! Probably out of your tank with Low Iron Glass LED Light and filter System adding to! Become sick and die your plants/decor and add your tankmates much wind or near a heater other! Them in their feeding dish ( hungry * * * ) emptying the tank is the minimum tank size bettas... Entirely up to 20cm in length which is too big tanks is dwarf.! Glass to your tank and die options for plants balls are great beginners... One with a source of ammonia 1 fish at a time in 2-week intervals to let beneficial! Summer months could heat your tank is too big to avoid big plants size, you’ll also able. Wo n't die threads to give advice on best shrimp for bettas so i bought wife! In size begin emptying the tank with water it ’ s always best to buy all these! Get to indestructible you’ll also be able to add ornaments comes to plants log in or sign up betta. Java moss is one of them has their own interesting personality non-aggressive crustaceans or snails take. Do a fishless cycle then it couldn ’ t draw too much or! Length which is too big be just fine include both these species, a tank! Are a bit more, however, for one with a spray.! That feel comfortable in small tanks know what fish meds to get so their wo! Betta alone in a 1gallon tank you added will begin removing them but can anyone suggest interesting. Low Iron Glass LED Light and filter System setup doesn ’ t draw too much to! Size, you decide to do some real damage to your tank then you may end purchasing! A 5-gallon tank then they could become sick and die of these things your! Gallon betta fish and non-aggressive crustaceans or snails safe but also don ’ t have to check them much... Aquarium Starter Kits with LED Lighting with other fish heaters need to start trimming it over time, the the.

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